Michael Albarran

I began having my taxes done by Robert Hall when he was working out of his home, over 30 years ago. Today, they remain one of the most professional and respected tax preparation companies in the industry. The highest praise you can give a company is when they can be referred to friends and family. I’ve done both. Many of my firefighter brothers, that I referred, have been going to Robert Hall and Associates for many years. Also, my mom, brother, daughter and her husband have taken advantage of the knowledge provided at RHA. Should you unfortunately be audited by the IRS, you will not be alone. RHA represented us through the entire process, which resulted with a successful outcome. In addition, if you need to seek advice from your tax preparer, they are available throughout the year. All preparers at RHA are very competent and professional. It is my pleasure to refer you to Robert Hall and Associates.

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Robert Hall and Associates Tax Consultants